Volunteering is an act of unconditional social offering, benefiting the volunteer, the beneficiary and society as a whole. Under this perspective, since 2012 we have commenced the implementation of a number of voluntary programs, through the Volunteer Office,  aiming at the improvement of the quality of life in Piraeus, and in parallel contributing to the cultivation of solidarity among its residents.

The scope of the Volunteer Office’s activities extends to various domains, such as Culture, Environment, Education and Social Welfare, either through sustainable activities such as the “Tutorial  Solidarity Teaching” program or individually, such as the promotion and preservation of the natural and cultural beauty of local sites.

The capacity of the Volunteer Office is proportional to the number of its volunteers, therefore, it expects and constantly receives applications from people of all ages and specialties.

Volunteering Office

213 2022660

Volunteer Application Form

Download the form .pdf

The Volunteer Application Form can be filled and submitted online by clicking the link below:

Volunteer Application Form (online)

Applications and other supporting documents are submitted to the Volunteering Office of the Municipality of Piraeus.


Online Volunteer Application Form